Our personal experiences and different situations we go through begin to shape us, many times disconnecting us from ourselves, Reiki helps us to improve that internal connection, realigning your center doing it from a compassionate place.

Reiki is an energy therapy through which we manage to harmonize all of our bodies: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic.
Reiki assists in your personal journey guiding you back to your center reconnecting yourself, becoming aware of your emotions .

The goal is to provide you with tools that you learn to activate in your daily life for your mental and emotional self-regulation.
Reduces stress, tiredness, bad mood, calms thoughts.
Helps regulate sleep cycles.
Assists physical pain with an emotional root cause.
Relax the mind and body.
Harmonizes mind, body and soul.
Process of introspection that guides us in identifying emotions that require our attention.
It helps to be more in touch with yourself.
Promotes self-love.
Improves mood.

What to take into account?
Reiki is NOT a religious practice.
Reiki is energy from the Universe, not from the therapist.
Therapy can be done individually, as a couple or in a group.
It is important to hydrate well after each session.
The therapy takes place regularly on a massage table, so it is recommended to wear comfortable clothes.

1 hr 15 min
1,500 Mexican pesos1 hr 30 min
600 Mexican pesos1 hr 30 min
2,800 Mexican pesos45 min
1,200 Mexican pesos